제품디자인회사 VLND의 디자인 디렉터 김승우가 디자인한 유니버셜 디자인 플러그.


VLND designed Universal Plug that has two great benefits.
First, everyone will be able to unplug easily.
Second, it will induce people to have voluntary attitudes towards saving energy.

Design by VLND.

제품디자인회사 VLND의 디자인 디렉터 김승우가 디자인한 유니버셜 디자인 플러그.

Perfect Ease for All Users

Have you ever had a hard time unplugging? Almost everyone may have experienced trouble with unplugging from a socket. The problem is caused from that "the point of action" is at the fingertips when unplugging. To solve this physical problem, Universal Plug moves "the point of action" to more center of the hand by putting a finger in the hole, and this structural solution helps users to easily unplugging. It provides perfect ease for everyone, including the average person with a lack of finger strength, as well as people with injury, illness or aging. Users just need to hook a finger into the hole and pull.

UNIVERSAL PLUG, universal design by designer Kim Seungwoo of industrial design studio VLND.


While most people want to save energy by turning off the lights, but they still usually leave the plugs in the sockets. Leaving the plug in the socket leads to waste of standby power. But, almost people often forget or are not aware. After the light switched off and the room gets dark, the hole’s role becomes more prominent. The luminous hole simply informs you that standby power is wasted. Universal Plug is not only makes it easy to unplug from the socket, but it also has affordance to lead people to save energy with a voluntary attitude.

iF Concept Design Award Winner, Germany
Red Dot Award: Concept Design Winner, Germany​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


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